Is Your Car Insurance Affected When You’re Not At Fault?

It can be stressful and confusing to know what to do after you’ve had a car accident, especially when it comes to working out whose insurance company you’re meant to claim through. You may have your own car accident insurance, but depending on the level of cover and optional extras you have, you may not have access to a courtesy car or hire car. Some of the main concerns that not at fault drivers have are whether their insurance will be affected if they make a claim and how they will get around after an accident.

Claiming Insurance When Not At Fault

If you decide to make a claim through your own insurance policy, it may potentially affect your insurance premiums. This could be the result of insurers reassessing your individual risk after you’ve made a claim. It could also have an impact on any no claims bonus you may have been entitled to receive. The bonus may be reduced, or you may not receive it at all. It’s always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to find out how your policy may be affected when you’re planning on making a claim.

How Long After A Car Accident Can You Claim In Australia?

The answer to this varies depending on the type of insurance cover you have, which state or territory you’re in and the conditions you agreed to with your insurer in your Product Disclosure Agreement (PDS). For example, with CTP insurance claims, there are specific time limits for claiming that vary across different states and territories in Australia.

What Are You Entitled To In A Car Accident?

If you are not at fault in a car accident, the insurance company of the at fault driver should be responsible for any damages. As the driver who is not at fault, you have the right to be placed back into the position you were in before the accident. This is where Right2Drive may be able to assist you with an accident replacement vehicle.

How Can You Get Around After A Not At Fault Accident?

If your car is damaged in a not at fault accident and is not driveable, you may be wondering how to get around – especially if you don’t have a courtesy car or hire car as part of your own insurance policy. The good news is that even if you don’t have a courtesy car as an optional extra on your insurance policy – or even if you have no insurance – we may still be able to assist you with an accident loan car.

This means that we could provide you with a way to get around for the duration of your vehicle’s repairs, or in the case of total loss, until you receive settlement.

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Not At Fault After An Accident?

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